Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Animals do they have mental powers

I thought of this after remebering an incident that took place many years back. My dad goes for a course in meditation and during that time you do not even speak to anybody. You have to be absolutely silient. Well so one day when sitting in meditation my dad got a signal saying sophie has been killed. Note Sophie is our pet dog. later on he got a signal sophie is not dead but sophie is hurt. When he finished his meditation he called up home and asked my sister what had happened and it so happened that on that very day while crossing the road she was hit by a scooter. Did my doggie actually reach out to my dad when the two of them were a couple of thousands of kilometers apart?? Do animals actually have intelligence. I have begun to believe so. Confused. Well let me tell you one more thing. Well before sophie we had a dog called Randy. She was very smart. She would follow us everywhere we went. Infact there was even a time when my cousin sis and aunt were walking and a stranger approached and touched my aunt. The very next instant randy was after him. She made sure she scared the shit out of that man. Well i am deviating towards dogs. But in general animals do have intelligence and they also have intuition something that we humans have ignored. The least number of deaths in the tsunami in december 2004 were animals. Why because they had already had the intuition that somthing is wrong get out. So they had already run away fronm home and gone far away. Off course here i mean land animals. At certain times i feel that there is no real difference between man and animals intelligence. They have the same emotions as we do. Infact i think they are one step ahead of us because they trry and discover new things but they do not go too deep. On the other hand qwe humans go so deep that we turn up using it in a distructive way. For example the whole process of finding out what is responsible for our charecteristics and then the study of DNA and RNA. that now i can actually manupulate my childs interest, his eye colour and everything before he is born. Technology has made it possible to know the sex of the baby before it is even born. The whole world now is blaming each other of having nuclear weopons. Such a desructive thing made from the discovery of fussion and fission.

I trully wonder know who is the more learned one the animals or us??? we go on making things to destroy o0ur own very existance. Do animals actually know what we are learning and they are aware of the consiquence and hence do not go further into it ??

Any comments or answer are welcome


Blogger Avan said...

A few things to say...
1. We'll never know who is more intelligent(man or other animals). Maybe we're equally intelligent. But premises appear to be drastically different!
2. True. Animals have been known to be quite intelligent in terms of taking care of the owners, reacting to nature(danger, etc.) and so on.
3. Emotions... I have the feeling they have a lot to do with enzymes produced in the body. Maybe man and other animals may not have the same enzymes and hence very different types of emotions.
4. Whether intelligence does good is a big question... Maybe I should dedicate a post to it... :-)

4:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is no doubt that not just animals, but even plants have intelligence. It has been proved that plants can sense it when a person approaches them with the intention to harm. As for animals, some like Dolphins are as intelligent as human beings. In the light of this imagine the tragedy when 2 dolphins were brought to Chennai and put in a water park to entertain people. They were put into water not compatible with their system and after some months (of agony and anguish, I am sure) they died. Think of what they would have gone through. Not being able to communicate their distress to anyone who could help. Think of what they would have been communicating to each other, perhaps comforting each other, as they approached their end.

8:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes paul i perfectly agree with you and my next blog is going to be on the famous argument on being a vege and being a non vege.

9:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear avanish

Well about emotions i feel that they do sulk, feel Jealous, happy, sad, sorry and many more i have seen it in my dog sophie. So i think they do share the same emotions. Otherwise i do agree with everything else. As far as intelligence is concerned i would like to say that according to biologist we are supposed to be the most intelligent animal, but i have my doubts about that after what we have done to our mother earth.

9:00 PM  

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