Wednesday, February 08, 2006


What is discipline? What is it to be disciplined?Who is disciplined? These questions are always in my mind as I see what all happens at college as a student. Does discipline mean that you have to enter your class room on time, sit properly in class, wish your teachers every time you see them. I doubt whether this is so because if that is so then every single person is disciplined and I doubt whether that is actually possible in real life. I feel that discipline is not just that but is something even more deeper. I think it is a way of thinking of doing things and your approach to them. For example one might come to class on time. So he is considered disciplined. Not necessarily because he might be coming in class because if he doesn't he does not get his attendance. Hence he falls short of attendance and cannot right his exam (off course there is a way if he pays that is a br....). Hence he is coming on time because of attendance. Thus he is not disciplined according to me. This is because you are being disciplined because you are getting something in return. Discipline has to come from inside. You will say that is a famous old cleache. So what does it mean???? I think that it means that you do something for the sake of doing it and not for any other thing. That means that I go to class on time because I want to and there is no other reason behind doing it.

Does being disciplined mean that that I am excellent or reached excellence? The question can also be the other way around. I don't know which one is the right way. Any comments!!!!

Before trying to answer that question I would like to explore what is excellence? I feel that like discipline it is a way of thinking and more than thinking they way you perform your job. I feel that the true test of excellence cannot be done from outside it can only be done from within. I say this because as soon as you know that somebody is going to check your work, you make sure every single thing is perfect. However, the moment there is no person to check does your work fail to be as impressive as the previous one??

My dad always told me every time that we fixed something at home, Khirad the true test of excellence is when you put in your best in every aspect of your work even if it is not to be seen or even appreciated by the others. Then off course to prove this he would relate the story of how he made sure the inside of his audio amplifier was designed to such perfection that if the outer cover was removed it still could be placed as a show piece in the show case. There was no need for this extra effort because nobody (except the service men) was going to open it up and look inside in its entire working life. Has my dad reached excellence?? I think so. Why I say I think so is because you reach excellence when you put in every single thing into it. Then that is the best product that you have made and then and only then have you reached excellence and I don't know whether dad did put in everything.

Thus I feel that excellence is when you put in your best. It is not comparable. You cannot compare it with another person. This is because every individual has his or her own limits and due to these limits it is not fair to compare two people. However, on the other hand excellence is not a destination which once you have reached it that's it. It is not bound. You can go on and on each time challenging yourself and increasing the level of your excellence.

I thought of concluding with a story from a reader's digest issue called " The cracked Mug". However, that will be with my next blog.


Blogger Avan said...

Agreed with what you say on excellence... except, I don't agree that each person HAS limits. Each person SETS his/her own limits, which may put a limit on the excellence. People of excellence don't like to set upper limits.

As far as discipline is concerned, I think it has something to do with maximising your efficiency. And not too much to do with excellence directly. However, when you've maximised efficency, it may be easier to strive for excellence always. And I think discipline also borders with ethics... another blog of mine planned... :-)

4:19 AM  
Blogger Avan said...

Another thing... I think comparison is quite fair. If someone can make me say "Hm. That's nice." Then why should there not be someone else that makes me say "Even better!"? After all, no limits. So comparison is certainly fair, in my opinion. When you strive for excellence, there are no limits!(IMO, of course!)

4:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Well avanish i do agree with whatever you say. Infact i would like to add that discipline does go hand in hand with ethics. Just one thing though when we set our limits we do put a limit and it becomes internal. Onces this occours the person has limits. Hmm

4:59 AM  

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